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Neuromuscular Technique (NMT)

About Us

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We are Paula Dalton and Paul Humphries and we are Sports and Remedial Massage Therapists, qualified with the Oxford School of Sports Massage (OSSM) with a BTEC Diploma Level 5 in Sports Massage and Soft Tissue Therapy (the highest level in sports massage currently in the UK.)

Our Philosophy

We think that you only have one body and you should look after it to get the optimum results. We have both experienced life and the strains it puts on our bodies.
You may be a competitive sportsperson or someone who is suffering from painful movement in your everyday life. We will offer you an individual assessment and treatment that will target the areas identified by these special tests.
Our service is centred around you and we will focus on a future remedial programme. We will follow up with exercises and postural tips that you will need to follow between treatments.

Paul Humphries

I have always been interested in sports and keep fit activities and believe that if we look after our bodies then they will in-turn look after us. I trained in my early years in the Armed Forces as a Royal Engineer, this gave me a good understanding of physical fitness and showed me the importance it has in our lives. Having left the Forces I have spent the majority of my working life in a manufacturing/production environment. This physical and demanding job, I feel, gives me a good insight into the everyday lives of most people, as I am not someone who has exclusively been involved in sports, therefore I can see the benefits to all, not just to sportsmen and women.
The skills I have gained, while studying at the Oxford school have now become invaluable to me because, I like most people, have accumulated my share of injuries, niggles, aches and pains. I am now able to take a methodical approach in working out the basic mechanics of the bodies muscles to find possible solutions.
I wish to now go on and learn as much as I can in this field to give the best service I can and make a real difference to people's lives.

Paula Dalton

I work in an office all day and, as we have become increasingly aware, this can take its toll on our health and well-being. It is often hard to move around sufficiently to keep muscles engaged and I am very aware that other people are affected in the same way. I make a conscious effort to keep up my fitness levels and to stretch to keep my body from becoming too static in the day.

My interest in sport and keeping fit means that I attend the gym and lift weights as well as cardio exercise. I have found the weight bearing exercise to be beneficial and my aim is to build bone and muscle. This interest in exercise has resulted in my looking at complementary areas and one of these is sports massage. I know that if I do a heavy weight session I will suffer from delayed onset muscle soreness(DOMS) the next day and that sports massage will eliminate this soreness so that the muscle is recovered the next day. How fabulous to have a solution to the everyday aches and pains!

The course at the Oxford School of Sports Massage covered a wide variety of massage techniques and also an understanding of how the muscles work together. We also covered areas like nutrition and how this affects our bodies. I am very interested in going on to learn more about nutrition with a further course in the future.

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